Discussion > Walk It Off

Let me first begin by stating that it is so enlightening and empowering to read the information presented here, Dr. Dodes. I am in a relationship with an addict and I have been doing a lot of research on what would benefit him as well as myself. The notion that addiction is a disease has never resonated with me and I dislike the negative approach that seems to be at the core of old treatment models. Not to mention, on the surface these models appear to take responsibility off the addict. ("It's not me, it's the disease.") Colin has been struggling with addiction for at least 10 years and he is ready for a change in his life. However, given our financial situation, we are unable to afford treatment centers that utilize non-twelve step treatment models. Colin has been battling his addiction on his own, with my support, for a few months, but he wants and needs to take it further.

Being the amazing person he is, Colin wants to share his road to recovery, literally, and increase addiction awareness. We are going to "Walk it Off" and backpack from Ohio to Florida in order to spread addiction awareness and the newer model of treatment. While on the road, we will film all the ups and downs along the way as well as anyone we encounter and inspire, or anyone who may inspire us. Knowing the personal ups and downs Colin will encounter, we plan to have an on call addiction counselor for him to contact and/or have regular sessions. We have been writing to sponsors, training and planning for a few weeks and hope to leave on September 8th.

I am writing to you, Dr.Dodes in order to request any literature, pamphlets, coupons, books, or other information you may deem helpful for us to promote via internet or in person. Also, any other suggestions or support you may offer would be most welcomed and greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Veronica Chordas

August 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterVeronica Chordas